There was this one gig Shelly played just before birthing her second child. Talk about ol' fashioned German work efficiency - I mean, this gal hobbled up on stage at #WildflowerFestival, fiddled her ass off, then went and had a baby!

Babies became kind of a theme of ours for awhile. Baby James, Shelly's first, even slipped a few cameo squeals in on the recording of our self-titled album. Listen carefully here, toward the end of "Got A Remedy." Soon this little guy had the best seat in the house at our shows, strapped peacefully to his mama while she fiddled away, and a few years later he would dance along to our tunes and sing, "Caroline! My heart is callin'!"
Brian, our first bassist, was fathering kids so quickly we had to explain to him how this sorta thing happens, in case he missed the "Birds and Bees" memo along the way. He informed us he was having his third or fourth baby (I lost count) right when we got picked for the #Wakarusa showdown at #Trees. Fittingly, although a little too late, the band performing after us started throwing condoms out at the audience. We made sure Brian as well as Shelly each took some home with them.
Perhaps all this Bodark fertility is what inspired our good buddy Jason Lovell of #BuffaloRuckus to ask if we'd write a gender-reveal tune for he and Summer's baby shower. It was a nice little pool-side soiree at which we sang this song. (Here's the first draft: "The Stork Is Coming".)
It’s a boy! It’s a girl!
It’s about to change your world
We got a little secret to sing
The stork is coming and he got a little bundle to bring

It's a ding! It's a dong!
Or maybe we're all wrong
We got a little secret to sing
The stork is coming and he got a little bundle to bring
G.I. Joe! Barbie Doll!
The doctor made a call
And we got a little secret to sing
The stork is coming and he got a little bundle to bring
We talked to the Doc and we've seen that sonogram
Now it's time to tell the truth about this lady or this little man
It's a...
Boy! It's a girl!
It's about to change your world
And we got a little secret to sing
The stork is coming and he got a little bundle to bring
It's a girl! It's a boy!
Get a gender-neutral toy
We got a little secret to sing
The stork is coming and he got a little bundle to bring
It's an Outie! It's an IN!
Or maybe there's a twin
We got a little secret to sing
The stork is coming and he got a little bundle to bring
We talked to the Doc and we've seen that sonogram
Now it's time to tell the truth about this lady or this little man
It's a...
Anyway, the Bodark babies kept coming, placing more demands on us, but also inspiring more music. The show must go on, you know. And so it does.

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